what is 5/a-3b/a^2

(5/a)-(3b/a^2) is also equal to


Cycling - a tricycle tire has a diameter of 12 in how many feet does the tricycle travle when the wheel makes twelve revolutions? Round to the nearest hundredth

Varice you spelled travel wrong you put travle instead of travel.

To simplify the expression 5/a - 3b/a^2, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find a common denominator for the fractions.
The least common denominator (LCD) for a and a^2 is a^2. Rewrite the expression with the common denominator:
5/a * a/a - 3b/a^2

Step 2: Simplify the fractions.
a/a simplifies to 1, so the expression becomes:
5a/a^2 - 3b/a^2

Step 3: Combine the terms.
Since both terms have the same denominator (a^2), you can combine them:
(5a - 3b) / a^2

Therefore, the simplified expression is (5a - 3b) / a^2.