A burning log, light from flashlight, car in motion, are examples of what type of energy?


The examples you provided are:

1) A burning log: This is an example of thermal energy because when the log burns, it releases heat energy in the form of flames and hot gases.
2) Light from a flashlight: This is an example of radiation energy because the flashlight emits light waves or electromagnetic radiation.
3) A car in motion: This is an example of kinetic energy because the car possesses energy due to its motion.

To determine which type of energy is associated with an object or phenomenon, it's important to consider the characteristics and behavior of that object. For example, in the case of the burning log, you can observe that it produces heat and flames, which suggest thermal energy. Similarly, a car in motion indicates kinetic energy because it possesses energy due to its motion. In the case of light from a flashlight, it can be identified as radiation energy because it emits electromagnetic waves or radiation.

Understanding the different types of energy and how they manifest in various scenarios can provide a useful framework for categorizing and comprehending energy-related phenomena.