Is this quote a metaphor?

"That's a bright direction, there's a glowing there."

In context it seems like a metaphor since the direction she is looking in is not actually bright or glowing. there was a lot of text for the question but I thought it e too much.

Thanks for the help.

ok but like whats the answer

I'd need to see the WHOLE context. In isolation, it could mean anything.

It must be nice," she said. "It must be very nice. I wish women could do such things."

"It ain't the right kind of a life for a woman.

Her upper lip raised a little, showing her teeth. "How do you know? How can you tell?" she said.

"I don't know, ma'am," he protested. "Of course I don't know. Now here's your kettles, done. You don't have to buy no new ones.

"How much?"

"Oh, fifty cents'll do. I keep my prices down and my work good. That's why I have all them satisfied customers up and down the highway."

Elisa brought him a fifty-cent piece from the house and dropped it in his hand. "You might be surprised to have a rival some time. I can sharpen scissors, too. And I can beat the dents out of little pots. I could show you what a woman might do."

He put his hammer back in the oily box and shoved the little anvil out of sight. "It would be a lonely life for a woman, ma'am, and a scarey life, too, with animals creeping under the wagon all night." He climbed over the singletree, steadying himself with a hand on the burro's white rump. He settled himself in the seat, picked up the lines. "Thank you kindly, ma'am," he said. "I'll do like you told me; I'll go back and catch the Salinas road."...The wagon turned and crawled out the entrance road and back the way it had come, along the river.Elisa stood in front of her wire fence watching the slow progress of the caravan. Her shoulders were straight, her head thrown back, her eyes half-closed, so that the scene came vaguely into them. Her lips moved silently, forming the words "Good-bye--good-bye." Then she whispered, "That's a bright direction. There's a glowing there."

Yes, based on the context you provided, it appears that the quote is indeed a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things by stating that one thing is another thing. In this case, the line "That's a bright direction, there's a glowing there" suggests that the direction being referred to is not actually physically bright or glowing, but it conveys a sense of positivity, hope, or excitement. Metaphors are often used in literature and everyday language to add depth and convey complex ideas or emotions.

To determine if a quote or phrase is a metaphor, here are a few steps you can take:

1. Read the quote or phrase and try to understand the literal meaning.
2. Consider the context in which the quote is used. Look for any hints or comparisons that might suggest a metaphorical meaning.
3. Pay attention to any figurative language, such as comparisons using "like" or "as," which are often indicative of similes rather than metaphors.
4. Look for any implied comparisons or symbolic representations that suggest a metaphorical interpretation.
5. If necessary, consult additional sources or discuss with others to gain a deeper understanding.

Remember, understanding metaphors (or any form of figurative language) often requires analyzing the surrounding context and the intended meaning behind the words.