i don't know how i would set up the attribution for this fact. i got it from a pdf file online called- Women in Prison and Children of Imprisoned Mothers Series

this is the quote- “Children should be consulted in determining the extent and type of relationship they want with an imprisoned parent and it should be remembered that one child’s wants and best interests may differ from another’s, even within the same family.”

Are you asking how to cite this quotation (remember that "quote" is a verb, not a noun)?

Are you using MLA or APA guidelines?

MLA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/

APA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/

To set up the attribution for the quote you provided, follow these steps:

1. Start by mentioning the author or organization responsible for the document: In this case, you mentioned that the fact came from a PDF file called "Women in Prison and Children of Imprisoned Mothers Series." Therefore, the document itself can be considered the source of the information.

2. Provide relevant details about the source: Mention any additional information such as the year of publication, the publisher, or the website where you found the PDF.

Here's an example of how you can attribute the quote:

According to the document "Women in Prison and Children of Imprisoned Mothers Series," published by [name of the organization or institution], it states, "Children should be consulted in determining the extent and type of relationship they want with an imprisoned parent and it should be remembered that one child’s wants and best interests may differ from another’s, even within the same family" (Author/Organization Name, Year, p. X).

Make sure to replace [name of the organization or institution] with the actual name of the author or responsible organization, and [Author/Organization Name, Year, p. X] with the appropriate information about the document, such as the author's name, year of publication, and page number (if applicable). If specific page numbers are not available, you can omit that part.