Converting Terminology via computers.

A. Cryptography

B. Technology

C. Geometry

D. Geology




To convert terminology via computers, you would typically rely on the power of search engines and online resources. Here's how you can convert the terminology for each option using this method:

A. Cryptography:
- Open your preferred web browser.
- Go to a search engine like Google.
- Type "cryptography definition" or "what is cryptography" into the search bar and hit enter.
- Look for reliable sources such as dictionaries, academic websites, or trusted technology blogs.
- Read through the search results and choose a source that provides a clear and accurate definition of cryptography.
- Take note of the definition provided and use it to convert the terminology as needed.

B. Technology:
- Similar to the previous steps, open your web browser and go to a search engine.
- Type "technology definition" or "what is technology" into the search bar and hit enter.
- Review the search results and find a reliable source that provides a concise and accurate definition of technology.
- Read through the definition and use it to convert the terminology related to technology.

C. Geometry:
- Repeat the same steps as before: open your web browser and go to your preferred search engine.
- Enter "geometry definition" or "what is geometry" in the search bar and hit enter.
- Evaluate the search results and choose a reputable source that offers a clear and comprehensive definition of geometry.
- Understand the definition and utilize it for converting terminology related to geometry.

D. Geology:
- Follow the previous steps again: open your web browser and go to a search engine.
- Input "geology definition" or "what is geology" into the search bar and hit enter.
- Assess the search results to find a reliable source that provides an accurate and detailed definition of geology.
- Familiarize yourself with the definition and apply it to convert terminology associated with geology.

By using search engines and trusted information sources, you can easily convert the terminology for various subjects using the definitions provided.