what is the simplified portion of the grouping??? 5 + 4 -(100 - 8 x 3)x 4.

this question makes no sense to me.can someone please use their time to help me real quick???

5 + 4 -(100 - 8 x 3)x 4

= 9 - (100 - 24)x4
= 9 - (76)x4
= 9 - 304
= - -295


how do you post links in answers? It won't let me for some reason.

the "grouping" is just a math term for the part of the equation in parentheses.

-(100 - 8 x 3)
= -(100-24)
= -(76)
= -76

hooray math!

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To simplify the given arithmetic expression: 5 + 4 - (100 - 8 x 3) x 4, we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division - from left to right, Addition and Subtraction - from left to right).

Let's break down the expression step by step:
1. Start with the innermost parentheses: (100 - 8 x 3).
- Inside the parentheses, we have 8 x 3, which equals 24.
- Therefore, we have (100 - 24), which gives us 76.
2. Now, substitute the simplified expression back into the original expression: 5 + 4 - 76 x 4.
3. Next, perform the multiplication: 76 x 4, which equals 304.
4. Now the expression becomes 5 + 4 - 304.
5. Finally, perform the addition and subtraction from left to right: 5 + 4 - 304.
- 5 + 4 equals 9.
- So, the final simplified form is 9 - 304.

Therefore, the simplified portion of the grouping is 9 - 304.