what number is the simplified expression equal to, 13 - 7 + (2 x 5 - 1) divided by 3 + 7.

can someone help me with this???

yoo hoo!!!!!!?????

anybody there????

i really need help with this!!


never mind i think i figured it out.I got the answer 17.and right now, i think it is correct so adios!!!!

I get 16 , not 17

I get 12, not 17.

you have to do the order of operations first, everything in parethesis first and multiplication/division must be done before addition/subtraction.

15/3 + 7=
Hope this is right and I hope it helped.

13 - 7 + (2 x 5 - 1)/3 + 7

= 6 + (9)/3 + 7
= 6 + 3 + 7
= 16


Of course! I can help you with that.

To simplify the expression, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS.

1. First, you need to simplify any operations within parentheses.
In this case, you have the expression (2 x 5 - 1).
Multiplication comes before subtraction, so you need to multiply 2 and 5 first: 2 x 5 = 10.
Then subtract 1 from 10: 10 - 1 = 9.

Now, your expression becomes: 13 - 7 + 9 divided by 3 + 7.

2. Next, you need to simplify any divisions.
In this case, you have the expression 9 divided by 3.
Dividing 9 by 3 gives you 3.

Now, your expression becomes: 13 - 7 + 3 + 7.

3. Now, you can perform any additions and subtractions from left to right.
Start with 13 - 7, which gives you 6.
Then, add 6 and 3, which gives you 9.
Finally, add 9 and 7, which gives you 16.

Therefore, the simplified expression 13 - 7 + (2 x 5 - 1) divided by 3 + 7 is equal to 16.