find the derivative

ln [x^3 +((x+3)^3)((x^2)+4)^7

You left out a ] somewhere

Hmm the logical fix would be

ln [x^3 +((x+3)^3)]((x^2)+4)^7

a^3 + b^3 = (a+b)(a^2-ab+b^2), so

x^3 + (x+3)^3 = (x+(x+3))(x^2 - x(x+3) + (x+3)^2)
= (2x+3)(x^2 + 3x + 9)

and the log of the product then becomes

y = ln(2x+3) + ln(x^2+3x+9) + 7ln(x^2+4)

y' = 2/(2x+3) + (2x+3)/(x^2+3x+9) + 14x/(x^2+4)

If my placement of [] is wrong, please feel free to clarify

Find the derivative of the function


To find the derivative of the given expression, we can use the chain rule and product rule. Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Determine the overall function and identify the parts to differentiate separately.

The given expression is ln [x^3 +((x+3)^3)((x^2)+4)^7]. Here, we have an outer logarithmic function and an inner expression.

Step 2: Apply the chain rule.

The derivative of the outer logarithmic function ln(u) is (1/u) * du/dx.

Step 3: Differentiate the inner expression.

For differentiating the inner expression, we'll apply the product rule as it contains two separate terms.

The first term is x^3, and its derivative is 3x^2.

The second term is ((x+3)^3)((x^2)+4)^7. Let's break it down further to identify more manageable parts:

Let's denote u = (x+3)^3 and v = (x^2 + 4)^7.

Now, we can find the derivatives of u and v:

For u:
Using the chain rule, derivative of u = 3(x+3)^2 * (d(x+3)/dx).

For v:
Using the chain rule, derivative of v = 7(x^2 + 4)^6 * (d(x^2 + 4)/dx).

Step 4: Find the overall derivative using the chain rule and product rule.

Now that we have all the necessary derivatives, we can calculate the overall derivative:

d/dx [ln [x^3 +((x+3)^3)((x^2)+4)^7]]
= (1/u) * du/dx

The value of u is (x+3)^3, so we substitute its derivative:

= (1/(x+3)^3) * 3(x+3)^2 * (d(x+3)/dx)

Next, the value of v is (x^2 + 4)^7, and we substitute its derivative:

= (1/(x+3)^3) * 3(x+3)^2 * (d(x+3)/dx) + v * 7(x^2 + 4)^6 * (d(x^2 + 4)/dx)

Finally, we can simplify and combine like terms to obtain the derivative of the given expression.