A science that looks at atmosphere and the weather.

A. Chemistry

B. Meteorology

C. Geology

D. Astronomy

I disagree.

Yes. B. is correct.

The science that looks at the atmosphere and the weather is called meteorology. The field of meteorology involves studying the processes and phenomena that occur in the Earth's atmosphere, such as temperature, air pressure, humidity, cloud formation, precipitation, wind patterns, and weather forecasting.

To determine the correct answer, you can eliminate the other options by understanding their respective fields of study.

A. Chemistry: Chemistry focuses on the composition, structure, properties, and changes of matter, and does not specifically deal with the atmosphere and weather.

C. Geology: Geology is the study of the Earth's solid materials, such as rocks, minerals, and the processes that shape the Earth's crust. While weathering and erosion are part of geological processes, geology does not primarily focus on the atmosphere and weather.

D. Astronomy: Astronomy is the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. Although astronomy considers the impact of space objects on the Earth's atmosphere and weather, it does not solely focus on these aspects.

Given the options, meteorology is the most appropriate choice as it specifically deals with the study of the atmosphere and weather patterns.