duplicity: the state or quality of having two elements or parts; being twofold or double.

A. connotative

B. denotative



i got b too

You are correct. The term "duplicity" has a denotative meaning, as it directly refers to the state or quality of having two elements or parts, being twofold or double.

To figure out the answer to this question, we need to understand the definitions of the terms "connotative" and "denotative."

Connotative refers to the subjective or emotional associations that a word or phrase may carry, beyond its literal definition. It is the additional meaning or feeling that a word evokes.

Denotative, on the other hand, refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word, independent of any emotional or subjective associations.

Now, let's apply this understanding to the term "duplicity." The definition provided states that it means "the state or quality of having two elements or parts; being twofold or double." This definition focuses on the objective, literal meaning of the word, devoid of any emotional or subjective associations. Therefore, the correct answer is B. denotative, as this definition aligns with the denotative meaning rather than the connotative meaning.