Does the order pair make the equation y equals 5 x+3 true 1'8

Now (1,8) is a coordinate pair. 1=x value and 8=y value. So, plug these in to your equation: y=5x + 3

Is this true?

8= 5(1) + 3
8= 5 + 3
8= 8

Yes! It is true! The order pair does make the equation true!

Hope this helps!

Thats correct!!

To determine if the ordered pair (1, 8) makes the equation y = 5x + 3 true, we need to substitute the values of x and y into the equation and see if both sides of the equation are equal.

Given equation: y = 5x + 3

Let's substitute x = 1 and y = 8 into the equation:

8 = 5(1) + 3

Now, perform the calculations:

8 = 5 + 3
8 = 8

Both sides of the equation are equal (8 = 8). Therefore, the ordered pair (1, 8) makes the equation y = 5x + 3 true.