please find the inverse function

The inverse function of

y=x-4 is y=x+4, or
y=loge(x) is y=e^x

To find the inverse function of a given function, follow these steps:

1. Let's say the given function is f(x).
2. Replace f(x) with y: y = f(x).
3. Swap the positions of x and y to get x = f⁻¹(y).
4. Solve the equation obtained in step 3 for y.
5. Replace y with f⁻¹(x) to get the inverse function.

Note: Not all functions have an inverse. For an inverse function to exist, the original function must be one-to-one (i.e., each input has a unique output).

If you provide the specific function you want to find the inverse for, I can give you more specific guidance and help you find the inverse function.

To find the inverse function, you need to follow a set of steps. Let's assume the function in question is denoted as f(x).

1. Replace f(x) with y: y = f(x).
2. Swap the roles of x and y: x = f(y).
3. Solve the equation for y: y = f^(-1)(x).
Here, f^(-1) denotes the inverse of the function f.

By following these steps and solving for y, you will obtain the inverse function f^(-1)(x).