shape has 4 side: at least one angle measure90 is it a.righ triangle .b.right trapezod c.right triangle b.rhombus

If it has four sides, it cannot be any form of triangle.

If at least one angle measures 90degrees, then it could be a right trapezoid, or a rhombus, or it could be neither.

There is not enough information to choose any of the four choices. Check the question please.

Please proofread your choices and repost -- along with your answer.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what each option represents. Let's go through each option one by one:

a) Right triangle: A right triangle is a triangle that has one angle measuring 90 degrees.

b) Right trapezoid: A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides. A right trapezoid is a trapezoid where one of the angles between the non-parallel sides is a right angle (90 degrees).

c) Rhombus: A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides of equal length.

Based on the information provided, we know that the shape has four sides and at least one angle measuring 90 degrees.

Option a) does mention a right triangle, which has one angle measuring 90 degrees, but it does not necessarily state that it has four sides.

Option b) mentions a right trapezoid, which has one right angle, but it does not specify if all sides are equal.

Option c) mentions a rhombus, which has all sides equal in length but does not mention any right angles.

Therefore, based on the given information, the correct answer is: b) Right trapezoid.