The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Which phrase from the Preamble BEST supports the social contract theory?

A. “do ordain and establish”

B. “insure domestic Tranquility”

C. “secure the Blessings of Liberty”

D. “in Order to form a more perfect Union”

Let us know what you decide.

To determine which phrase from the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution best supports the social contract theory, we need to understand what the social contract theory is. The social contract theory suggests that individuals enter into a mutually beneficial agreement with their government, where the government provides certain protections and benefits, and in return, the individuals agree to follow the laws and support the government. Let's analyze each phrase to see which one aligns with this theory:

A. "do ordain and establish" - This phrase refers to the act of creating or setting up something, which is essential for forming a government, but it does not directly address the mutual agreement aspect of the social contract theory.

B. "insure domestic Tranquility" - This phrase emphasizes the importance of maintaining peace and tranquility within the country. While it does imply the government's responsibility to provide safety and security, it does not explicitly address the mutual agreement aspect.

C. "secure the Blessings of Liberty" - This phrase suggests that the government's role is to safeguard and protect the blessings of liberty, ensuring that individuals can exercise their freedoms. It implies a mutual agreement where the government protects the citizens' liberties, aligning with the social contract theory.

D. "in Order to form a more perfect Union" - This phrase expresses the intention to create a stronger and improved union among the people. It indicates a collective effort to establish a well-functioning government, stressing the need for collaboration and mutual agreement.

After analyzing the phrases, C. "secure the Blessings of Liberty" and D. "in Order to form a more perfect Union" both align with the social contract theory. However, "secure the Blessings of Liberty" more directly addresses the mutual agreement between the government and the people, making it the better choice. Therefore, the phrase C. "secure the Blessings of Liberty" BEST supports the social contract theory.