How do I figure the degree of measure from 18-24 people = 11%

To determine the degree of measure, we first need to understand what it represents. In this case, the degree of measure indicates the percentage of the total group size that a given number of people represents.

To calculate the degree of measure, we can use the following formula:

Degree of Measure = (Number of People / Total Group Size) * 100

Let's plug in the values for your example:

Number of People = 18-24 people
Total Group Size = Unknown

However, we are given that 18-24 people represent 11% of the total group size. So, we can set up an equation:

(18-24 people / Total Group Size) * 100 = 11%

To find the Total Group Size, we need to solve this equation algebraically.

18-24 people / Total Group Size = 11% / 100

Simplifying the right side:

18-24 people / Total Group Size = 0.11

To isolate Total Group Size, we can cross-multiply:

18-24 people = 0.11 * Total Group Size

Now, if you have the actual number of people within the range 18-24, substitute it in the equation. If not, you might need to estimate or provide more specific information to get an accurate result.