time travel question

in km 0 - 240, a vehicles started at 30km at 2:30, where would the truck be at 3:30?

To determine where the truck would be at 3:30, we need to determine its rate of travel or speed. Given that the truck started at 30 km at 2:30, we can assume that the speed is constant.

To calculate the speed, we can use the formula: speed = distance / time. Since the truck traveled from 0 km to 30 km in 30 minutes (from 2:00 to 2:30), we can calculate its speed:

speed = 30 km / 0.5 hr = 60 km/hr

Therefore, the truck's speed is determined to be 60 km/hr.

Now, to find the position of the truck at 3:30, we need to calculate the distance it traveled from 2:30 to 3:30. There is a time difference of 1 hour (from 2:30 to 3:30), so we can multiply the speed by the time:

distance = speed * time = 60 km/hr * 1 hr = 60 km

Therefore, the truck would be 60 km from its starting point at 3:30.