i not get this question which be author come back to his Orpheus allusions with question referrring to jakes dad, "what songs found their out, or had any?" what be jakes hope for his dad?

Orpheus was known to charm everyone -- even stones -- with his music. Jake hopes that his father was able to charm someone sometime. It would make him feel better about his negative feelings about his father.

Thank you very much ms. sue :)

In order to understand the question and context better, it would be helpful to know which text or book you are referring to regarding Orpheus allusions, Jake's father, and the mentioned question. However, I can still provide a general explanation and guide on how to analyze and interpret literary texts.

1. Identify the Allusion to Orpheus: Allusions are references made to figures, events, or works of art from literature, mythology, history, or other cultural sources. In this case, the question makes an allusion to Orpheus, a character from Greek mythology known for his musical and poetic abilities.

2. Examine the Context: Consider the surrounding text or passage to gain insight into the author's use of the Orpheus allusion. Look for details about Jake's dad and the songs referred to in the question. Understanding the relationships, characters, and events mentioned before this question can provide crucial context.

3. Analyze Jake's Hope for His Dad: To determine Jake's hope for his dad, you need to analyze the character's motivations, actions, and feelings throughout the text. Look for clues or explicit statements that suggest Jake's desires or wishes regarding his father. Consider exploring other parts of the story or dialogue involving Jake and his dad to get a clearer understanding of their relationship dynamics.

By closely examining the text and using your interpretation skills, you can uncover how Jake's hope for his dad relates to the allusion of Orpheus and the question posed. Remember that literary analysis often involves reading between the lines and considering various possibilities.

Please provide more information about the text you are referencing if you would like a more specific analysis.