EXAMPLES OF macro and micro sociology

cannot be :
gender inequality

I would pick economy.

Macro and micro sociology are two different levels of analysis within the field of sociology. Macro sociology focuses on the broader social structures and systems that shape society as a whole, while micro sociology examines the individual interactions and behaviors within society. Here are some examples for both macro and micro sociology that do not include the topics you mentioned:

Examples of Macro Sociology:
1. Social Movements: Analyzing the impact of a mass protest or social movement on society as a whole, examining the collective behaviors, motivations, and outcomes.
2. Institutional Analysis: Investigating how a specific institution, such as education, healthcare, or criminal justice, functions and influences society at a large scale.
3. Globalization: Exploring the effects of globalization on the economy, culture, and politics of different countries.

Examples of Micro Sociology:
1. Interaction Rituals: Investigating the patterns of behavior and communication in small group interactions, such as family dinners or workplace meetings.
2. Symbolic Interactionism: Examining how individuals create and interpret symbols, gestures, and signs in their everyday interactions, shaping their social reality.
3. Social Networks: Analyzing the connections, friendships, and social ties between individuals and how they influence their actions and opportunities.

Remember, these examples are not exhaustive but are provided to give you an idea of the types of topics that fall under macro and micro sociology. Further research in the field and reading sociological studies can help you explore more specific examples of each level of analysis.