Why Jake spend his time try to forget everyone?

That be because his family not have proper relationship with him before so they not show him love and now he not know how to love so he want to be alone.

Right. Jake is depressed.

Thank you ms. sue :)

You're welcome, Mohammad.

To understand why Jake spends his time trying to forget everyone, it's necessary to consider his background and experiences. It seems that Jake may have had a problematic relationship with his family, with a lack of proper connection and love. As a result, he may have grown up not experiencing the love and support that most people receive from their families. This kind of upbringing can significantly impact a person's ability to form healthy relationships and understand how to love others.

Now, when it comes to why Jake wants to be alone and tries to forget everyone, it's important to approach this subject with empathy and understanding. Jake's desire to be alone could be his way of protecting himself from potential hurt or rejection. Since he never learned how to form meaningful connections or experience love in a healthy way, he may find it easier to distance himself from others to avoid potential disappointment or pain.

It's worth noting that everyone's experiences and reasons for their actions are unique, and understanding Jake's specific motivations would require more personal insight. If you are concerned about Jake's well-being, it might be helpful to reach out to him or encourage him to seek professional help to address any underlying emotional difficulties.