in traingle FGH, angle 42 is equal to 42 and an exterior angle at vertex H has a measure of 104. What is angle G?

proofread, please


To find the measure of angle G in triangle FGH, you need to use the property that the exterior angle at a vertex of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two remote interior angles.

Given that angle 42 is equal to 42, we can conclude that angle G + angle H = 42.

Also given is that the exterior angle at vertex H has a measure of 104. This means that angle H + angle G = 104.

We can set up a system of equations using these two pieces of information and solve for angle G.

From the equations:
angle G + angle H = 42
angle H + angle G = 104

By combining the equations, we can eliminate angle H:
angle G + angle H - angle G = 42 - 104

Simplifying the equation gives:
0 + angle H = -62

Since angle H cannot have a negative measure, we can conclude that there is no unique solution to this problem. Please double-check the given angles and the information provided to see if any details were missed or if there may be an error in the problem statement.