Could someone help me with this question.

Determine what limit would be represented by the following graph.

imgur dot com/bceWN

I am not sure if it has open dot or closed but what would the equation be for open and closed dot?

I don't see any dot. Also, it appears that the line at y=1 extends for all x, and for y=-1 only for x<0

Assuming thet the graph is

y = -1 for x < 0
y = 1 for x > 0,

it could be y = |x|/x

If the line at y=1 extends for all x, then we could have

y^2 = 1 for x<0
y = 1 for x > 0

To determine the limit represented by a graph, you need to consider the behavior of the graph as the input approaches a particular value. However, without being able to see the graph you mentioned (imgur dot com/bceWN), I cannot directly interpret it.

Nevertheless, I can explain how to interpret open and closed dots on a graph.

An open dot ( ◦ ) typically indicates that the point is not included in the function or graph being depicted. In terms of limits, an open dot suggests that the limit does not exist at that specific point.

A closed dot ( ● ) usually indicates that the point is included in the function or graph. In terms of limits, a closed dot suggests that the limit exists and is equal to the value of the function at that point.

If you can provide more information or a description of the graph, I would be glad to assist you in determining the limit it represents.