Grade Average A student scores 65 and 82 on two

different 100-point tests. If the maximum score on
the next test is also 100 points, what score does the
student need to maintain at least an average of 70?

0.7 * 300 = 210

65 + 82 = 147

210 - 147 = ?

The answer is 64.

To find the score the student needs to maintain at least an average of 70, we can use the formula for average:

Average = (Sum of all scores) / (Number of scores)

In this case, we have 2 scores (65 and 82) and we need to find the score on the third test.

Let's denote the score on the third test as "x".

To maintain an average of 70, the sum of all three scores should be equal to the average (70) multiplied by the number of scores (3):

Sum of all scores = Average * Number of scores
x + 65 + 82 = 70 * 3

Now, we can solve for x:

x + 147 = 210
x = 210 - 147
x = 63

Therefore, the student needs to score at least 63 on the third test to maintain an average of 70.