r1 and r2 are unit vectors in the x-y plane making angles a and b with the positive x-axis.by considering r1.r2 derive


To derive cos(a - b) using the dot product of unit vectors r1 and r2, we can start by representing r1 and r2 in terms of their respective components.

Let's assume r1 = (r1x, r1y) and r2 = (r2x, r2y).

Given that r1 and r2 are unit vectors, their magnitudes are equal to 1. Therefore, we have:
|r1| = 1 and |r2| = 1.

Now, let's consider the dot product of r1 and r2, denoted as r1 · r2.
r1 · r2 = r1x * r2x + r1y * r2y.

We can rewrite r1 and r2 in terms of their angles as follows:
r1x = cos(a), r1y = sin(a),
r2x = cos(b), r2y = sin(b).

Substituting these values into the equation for the dot product:
r1 · r2 = (cos(a) * cos(b)) + (sin(a) * sin(b)).

Recall that cos(a - b) = cos(a) * cos(b) + sin(a) * sin(b).
Comparing this to the equation we obtained above, we can see that:
cos(a - b) = r1 · r2.

Hence, by considering the dot product of r1 and r2, we have derived the equation cos(a - b) = cos(a) * cos(b) + sin(a) * sin(b).

To derive cos(a-b) using the given information about r1 and r2, we can use the dot product formula:

r1 · r2 = |r1| |r2| cos(θ),

where r1 · r2 is the dot product of r1 and r2, |r1| and |r2| are the magnitudes of r1 and r2, and θ is the angle between r1 and r2.

Since r1 and r2 are unit vectors, their magnitudes are both equal to 1. Therefore, the above formula simplifies to:

r1 · r2 = cos(θ).

Now, let's determine the angles between r1, r2, and the positive x-axis:

- Angle a is the angle between r1 and the positive x-axis.
- Angle b is the angle between r2 and the positive x-axis.

Since cos(a) is the cosine of the angle between r1 and the positive x-axis, we can rewrite this as:

cos(a) = cos(angle between r1 and the positive x-axis) = cos(angle a).

Similarly, we can rewrite cos(b) as:

cos(b) = cos(angle b).

Now, let's find the angle between r1 and r2, denoted as θ:

θ = angle between r1 and r2 = a - b.

Using the dot product formula, we can write:

r1 · r2 = cos(θ),

which can be rewritten as:

cos(a - b) = r1 · r2.

Since r1 and r2 are unit vectors, their magnitudes are both equal to 1. Therefore, we can substitute r1 · r2 with:

cos(a - b) = cos(a) cos(b) + sin(a) sin(b).

Hence, we have derived:

cos(a - b) = cos(a) cos(b) + sin(a) sin(b).