100 lb of loose gravel can fill a 1-ft^3 box. Its specific gravity is 2.68. What is the dry rodded weight? Find the volume of voids in the preceding problem.

2.68 * 62.4 = 167 lbs/ft^3 if it were solid rock

so (167 - 100) = 67 pounds missing in voids

67 lb * 1 ft^3/167 lb = .4 ft^3 empty space

check .6 * 167 = 100

To find the dry rodded weight and the volume of voids, we need to understand a few concepts.

1. Specific Gravity: Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance. In this case, the specific gravity of the gravel is given as 2.68. It indicates that the gravel is 2.68 times denser than the reference substance (usually water).

2. Dry Rodded Weight: The dry rodded weight is the weight of the solid material (gravel) without any voids or gaps. To find the dry rodded weight, we need to consider the specific gravity and the weight of the gravel when it fills the 1-ft^3 box (100 lb in this case).

3. Volume of Voids: The volume of voids refers to the empty spaces or gaps between the particles of the solid material (gravel) when it fills a given volume. To find the volume of voids, we need to subtract the volume of the solid material from the total volume.

Let's calculate both the dry rodded weight and the volume of voids:

1. Dry Rodded Weight:
Since the specific gravity is 2.68, the dry rodded weight can be calculated by multiplying the weight of gravel filling the 1-ft^3 box (100 lb) by the specific gravity:

Dry Rodded Weight = Weight of Gravel × Specific Gravity
= 100 lb × 2.68
= 268 lb

Therefore, the dry rodded weight of the gravel is 268 lb.

2. Volume of Voids:
The volume of the solid material can be calculated by dividing the weight of the material by its density. Since the density of the gravel is not provided, we can assume a typical density of gravel to be around 100 lb/ft^3 (may vary based on the type of gravel).

Volume of Solid Material = Weight of Gravel / Density of Gravel
= 100 lb / 100 lb/ft^3
= 1 ft^3

To find the volume of voids, subtract the volume of the solid material from the total volume:

Volume of Voids = Total Volume - Volume of Solid Material
= 1 ft^3 - 1 ft^3
= 0 ft^3

Therefore, the volume of voids in the problem is 0 ft^3 (indicating that there are no voids in the given conditions).