Marion needs to believe in a ____ ?



We are not mind-readers! You'll need to provide more information if you want REAL help!

Himself/Herself (Marion can go either way...)

Aliens ( if you wish)
Basically what Writeacher said, you need to provide information.

To determine what Marion needs to believe in, we would need more context or information about the situation or topic being discussed. Belief can be subjective and vary depending on individual perspectives. However, here are a few possibilities:

1. Marion needs to believe in themselves - self-belief and confidence are essential for personal growth and success. Marion may need to trust their own abilities and have faith in their own potential.

2. Marion needs to believe in a higher power or spirituality - having faith in a higher power or spiritual belief system can provide a sense of purpose, guidance, and support.

3. Marion needs to believe in a cause or ideology - people often find motivation and fulfillment when they are passionate about a specific cause or ideology. It could be anything from a social or environmental cause to a political or philosophical ideology.

Without more information, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer. It is important to consider the specific context and circumstances when determining what Marion needs to believe in.