I need help. I cannot figure out the anologies. They are...


Plateau: flat
toponym: noun


What are the definitions of all these words? Which pair has the same relationship to each other as does the first one?

colloquy = a formal or written conversation
loquacious = very talkative, chatty


thatdoesnt help but thanks... iguess

To solve analogies, you need to understand the relationship between the words in the given pair and apply the same relationship to the answer choices. Let's break down each analogy:

1. Colloquy:Loquacious::
In this analogy, "Colloquy" and "Loquacious" are both associated with talking or speaking. "Colloquy" refers to a conversation or a formal discussion, while "Loquacious" means talkative or prone to talking a lot. The relationship between the words is that one is a noun and the other is an adjective that describes the noun.

To find the answer, look for a similar relationship between words in the answer choices. In this case, "toponym: noun" fits the same pattern, where "toponym" is the noun and "noun" is the word that describes the noun. Therefore, the answer to this analogy is "toponym: noun."

2. Somnambulism:ambulatory
In this analogy, "Somnambulism" refers to sleepwalking, and "ambulatory" means related to walking or moving. The relationship between the words is that one is a noun representing a specific action or condition, while the other is an adjective describing the noun.

Looking at the answer choices, "octahedron:eight" does not fit the same pattern as there is no clear relationship between the words. Similarly, "plateau: flat" doesn't fit either, as the words have different meanings without a clear relationship. Therefore, the answer to this analogy is "Somnambulism:ambulatory."

So, out of the given analogies, the answer is:
Colloquy:Loquacious → toponym: noun
Somnambulism:ambulatory → Somnambulism:ambulatory