How much water, in grams, can be made from

3.59 × 10^24 hydrogen molecules?
Answer in units of g

First you convert 3.59E24 molecules H2 to mols. moles H2 = (3.59E24/6.02E23) = ?

Then follow the steps in this example.

To calculate the amount of water in grams that can be made from a given number of hydrogen molecules, we need to use the concept of molar mass.

The molar mass of water (H2O) is 18.015 g/mol, which means that one mole of water weighs 18.015 grams. We can use this information to convert the number of hydrogen molecules to moles, and then to grams.

1 mole of any substance contains Avogadro's number of particles, which is approximately 6.022 × 10^23 particles/mol. So, to convert from the number of hydrogen molecules to moles, we divide by Avogadro's number.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Determine the number of moles of hydrogen molecules:
- Given: Number of hydrogen molecules = 3.59 × 10^24
- Divide the number of hydrogen molecules by Avogadro's number to get the number of moles:
number of moles = (3.59 × 10^24) / (6.022 × 10^23)

2. Calculate the number of moles of water (H2O) that can be formed:
- Since there are two hydrogen molecules (2H) in each water molecule (H2O), the number of moles of water would be half of the number of moles of hydrogen:
number of moles of water = 0.5 × (3.59 × 10^24) / (6.022 × 10^23)

3. Convert the number of moles of water to grams by multiplying it by the molar mass of water:
- Molar mass of water (H2O) = 18.015 g/mol
grams of water = (0.5 × (3.59 × 10^24) / (6.022 × 10^23)) * 18.015

Performing the calculations:

number of moles of water = 0.5 × (3.59 × 10^24) / (6.022 × 10^23) ≈ 2.993 mol
grams of water = 2.993 * 18.015 ≈ 53.9 g

Therefore, approximately 53.9 grams of water can be made from 3.59 × 10^24 hydrogen molecules.