Sandra was thinking of a quadrilateral. All 4 sides are the same length and are parallel. There are 4 right angles. Which quadrilateral is she thinking of?

What do you think?

Sandra is thinking of a special type of quadrilateral known as a square. A square is a quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles. To determine the type of quadrilateral based on the given information, we need to look for the properties mentioned.

First, we are told that all four sides have the same length. This indicates that the quadrilateral is equilateral.

Second, we know that the sides are parallel. This tells us that the quadrilateral is also a parallelogram.

Finally, it is mentioned that there are four right angles, which means all angles of the quadrilateral are 90 degrees. This is a property of rectangles.

By considering all the given properties, we can conclude that Sandra is thinking of a square since it satisfies all the conditions mentioned: equal sides, parallel sides, and right angles.