Note: Figure not drawn to scale

If U = 4 units, V = 5 units, W = 7 units, X = 6 units, Y = 7 units, and Z = 4 units, what is the area of the object?

Select answer A 49 square units
Select answer B 43 square units
Select answer C 71 square units
Select answer D 55 square units

To find the area of the object, we need to understand the shape and how the given units correspond to the dimensions of the object. Since no information is given about the shape, we cannot determine the exact area. However, we can deduce the possible area by assuming different shapes and calculating their areas.

Let's consider some possible shapes that can be formed with the given units:
1. Rectangle: We can assume that the object is a rectangle with adjacent sides U and V. In this case, the area would be U * V = 4 units * 5 units = 20 square units. Since none of the answer choices match this area, we can eliminate this possibility.

2. Square: We can assume that the object is a square with sides U. In this case, the area would be U^2 = (4 units)^2 = 16 square units. Since none of the answer choices match this area, we can eliminate this possibility.

3. Parallelogram or Trapezoid: We can assume that the object is a parallelogram or trapezoid with bases U and V and height W. In this case, the area would be ((U + V) / 2) * W = ((4 units + 5 units) / 2) * 7 units = 31.5 square units. Since none of the answer choices match this area, we can eliminate this possibility.

4. Irregular shape: Given that no information is provided about the shape, it is possible that the object has an irregular shape. In this case, we cannot determine the exact area without further information.

Since none of the calculations match any of the given answer choices, we cannot determine the area of the object with the given information.