What is the capacity of a bathtub 200 L or 34,000 mL?

What do you think?

I think 200 L but I'm not sure

You're right.

good job tj

200 leters will be more!!!!!!

I think it 200L but it seems to much.

To determine the capacity of the bathtub in liters or milliliters, we need to convert between the two units.

Given that 1 liter (L) is equal to 1,000 milliliters (mL), we can use this conversion to convert the capacity of the bathtub from liters to milliliters or vice versa.

To convert from liters to milliliters, we multiply the number of liters by 1,000. So, to convert 200 L to milliliters, we have:

200 L * 1,000 mL/L = 200,000 mL

Therefore, the capacity of the bathtub is 200,000 mL.

To convert from milliliters to liters, we divide the number of milliliters by 1,000. So, to convert 34,000 mL to liters, we have:

34,000 mL / 1,000 mL/L = 34 L

Therefore, the capacity of the bathtub is also 34 L.

Hence, the bathtub has a capacity of both 200,000 mL and 34 L.