What is a modern day example of separation of powers at work? All I can find is the US government but I need an example of it being used not it being describe. Please help.

What example did you find of it being used?

Doing my homework!

Sure, I can help you with that! The separation of powers is a fundamental principle of modern democratic systems, and while the United States government is indeed an example, I can provide you with another example to illustrate the concept.

One modern day example of the separation of powers at work can be found in Germany's political system. Germany operates under a parliamentary system where power is split between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

1. Legislative Branch: The Bundestag is the federal legislative body in Germany. It consists of representatives elected by the people. They are responsible for making laws and overseeing the government's actions.

2. Executive Branch: The head of the German government is the Chancellor, who is elected by the Bundestag. The Chancellor appoints ministers who form the federal government. They are responsible for executing and implementing laws.

3. Judicial Branch: The judicial system in Germany is independent and ensures the rule of law. The Federal Constitutional Court is the highest court, responsible for interpreting the constitution and ensuring that laws do not violate it.

This separation of powers ensures a system of checks and balances in Germany. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches have distinct roles and powers, preventing the concentration of power in any single institution. Each branch acts as a check on the others, ensuring accountability and preventing abuse of power.

To find examples of the separation of powers in action, you can look at specific instances where the legislative branch proposes or passes laws, the executive branch implements these laws, and the judicial branch interprets and applies them. News articles, government websites, and legal cases can provide real-life examples of how these branches interact and wield their respective powers in Germany's system of government.