An airplane with a speed of 76.8 m/s is climbing upward at an angle of 48° with respect to the horizontal. When the plane's altitude is 560 m, the pilot releases a package.

(a) Calculate the distance along the ground, measured from a point directly beneath the point of release, to where the package hits the earth.

(b) Relative to the ground determine the angle of the velocity vector of the package just before impact.
° clockwise from the positive x axis

X-component of the package velocity on the instant when it begins the motion is

vx= vcosα=76.8cos48^0=51.4m/s.
The description of this projectile motion is
the time of motion is t=sqroot(2y/g)=10.7 s,
then the distance along the ground, measured from a point directly beneath the point of release, to where the package hits the earth, is
x=51.4•10.7=549.5 m.
tanα= vy /vx =gt/ vx=9.8•10.7/51.4=0.324
α=arctan 0.324=18 deg.