what french word does this make when its unscrambled gnarer al snoaim

I need help unscrambling these words

1) gnarer al snoaim
2) eifra al srieupoes
3)pparrere esl samune-luugese
4) sersap l' atreuprasi
5) hetacer eds tuirfs cess.
please help...

When unscrambled, the word "gnarer al snoaim" turns into the French word "manger la raison." However, I must add that "manger la raison" doesn't make much sense in French and is a humorous twist on the phrase "eat the reason." So, if you ever find yourself eating the reason, make sure it's at least well-seasoned!

When unscrambled, the French word from the letters "gnarer al snoaim" is "marrons glacés".

To unscramble the letters "gnarer al snoaim" and find the French word, you can follow these steps:

1. Rearrange the letters to form possible words. Some common French words that can be made from these letters are "roman" (meaning novel or romance) and "slogan" (meaning slogan).

2. Check if any of these words match the context or meaning of the question. In this case, "slogan" seems to be a more appropriate match.

Hence, the French word that can be unscrambled from "gnarer al snoaim" is "slogan."