1. Freddy lives 34kms south of Makati City while Misael lives 34kms north of Makati City. How far is Freddy's place from Misael's place?

68 kms

Well, if Freddy lives 34 kilometers south of Makati City, and Misael lives 34 kilometers north of Makati City, then the distance between their places would be 68 kilometers. It seems like they're really good at maintaining equal distance, just not in the same direction!

Freddy's place is located 34 kilometers south of Makati City, while Misael's place is located 34 kilometers north of Makati City. To determine the distance between Freddy's place and Misael's place, we can add the distances from each place to Makati City.

Distance from Freddy's place to Misael's place = Distance from Freddy's place to Makati City + Distance from Misael's place to Makati City

Distance from Freddy's place to Misael's place = 34 kilometers + 34 kilometers

Therefore, Freddy's place is 68 kilometers away from Misael's place.

To determine the distance between Freddy's place and Misael's place, we need to consider their relative positions.

Given that Freddy lives 34 kms south of Makati City, and Misael lives 34 kms north of Makati City, we can visualize it as follows:

Misael (34 kms north)
---------------- Makati City ----------------
Freddy (34 kms south)

To find the distance between Freddy's place and Misael's place, we need to add the distance from Makati City to Freddy's place (34 kms) with the distance from Makati City to Misael's place (34 kms):

34 kms + 34 kms = 68 kms

Therefore, Freddy's place is 68 kms away from Misael's place.