Translate into Spanish:

I have a small nose.

Tengo la nariz pequena or
Tengo una nariz pequena.

I know a = una, but my teacher was saying something about they always use the definite article with parts of the body. So do you always use el/la instead of un/una???

so same thing with I have a long beard:

Tengo la barba larga OR
Tengo una barba larga.

I'll email this to SraJMcGin.

Don't forget to put the necessary accent marks where they belong:

Tengo la nariz pequeña. (a = una)

That IS the rule, but that's not to say that it is never broken! "Articles of clothing and parts of the body use the definite article."

Tengo la barba larga.



In Spanish, when talking about body parts, it is common to use the definite article (el/la) instead of the indefinite article (un/una). However, the use of the definite article can vary depending on the context and personal preference.

For example, if you say "I have a small nose" in Spanish, you can say either "Tengo la nariz pequeña" or "Tengo una nariz pequeña." Both are grammatically correct and convey the same meaning.

Similarly, for "I have a long beard," you can say either "Tengo la barba larga" or "Tengo una barba larga." Both versions are acceptable, and the choice depends on personal preference or the specific context in which you are speaking.

Using the definite article with body parts is more common in Spanish, but using the indefinite article is still acceptable. So, whether you choose to use "el/la" or "un/una" with body parts can vary depending on your speaking style and regional variations.