Compare Lamarck's explantion of evolution with Darwin's theory.

My Answer - After scientist collected large amounts of data on the inheritance of characteristics, Lamarck's explanation was rejected. Darwin's developed the theory of evolution still accepted today.

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What was Lamarck's explanation of evolution?

How was it different from Darwin's theory?

Lamarck believed that organisms tried to make themselves better during their lifetimes and that the improvements or changes they made would be passed on to their offspring.

In Darwin's theory, natural selection plays the key role. Organisms vary through random mutations--slight changes from their parents. The environment determines which are most likely to survive.

In Lamarck's theory, changes in phenotype are inherited.

I'm going to make that into a 2-3 answer.

That's correct now.

Lamarck's explanation can be tested by experimentation. Female Great Danes with cropped ears don't give birth to puppies with cropped ears. Each puppy must have its ears cropped after birth to obtain the typical shape of a Great Dane's ears. His explanation was rejected.

Thank You Ms. Sue! :)

You're welcome, Laruen.