The first compact microwave ovens were sold in 1960. Everybody didn't use them until the 1980's.

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The statement you made about the first compact microwave ovens being sold in 1960 is correct. The development of compact microwave ovens was a significant advancement in kitchen appliances, as it allowed for smaller and more convenient microwave cooking.

However, your second statement that "everybody didn't use them until the 1980s" is not entirely accurate. While it may be true that microwave ovens were not as widely used in the earlier years, it would be incorrect to say that "everybody" did not use them until the 1980s.

To understand the adoption of microwave ovens, we need to consider a few factors that influenced their usage:

1. Availability: In the early years, microwave ovens were expensive and not readily available to everyone. They were mostly found in commercial kitchens, restaurants, and institutions. It took some time for manufacturers to refine the technology and make it more affordable and accessible to the general public.

2. Consumer Awareness: Microwave ovens were a relatively new concept, and consumers needed time to become aware of their benefits and potential uses. Manufacturers and marketers played a role in educating the public about microwave cooking and its advantages over traditional methods.

3. Changing Lifestyles: The adoption of microwave ovens was influenced by societal changes and evolving lifestyles. As more women entered the workforce and time became a precious commodity, the convenience and speed of microwave cooking became more appealing.

The 1980s marked a turning point in the widespread use of microwave ovens. By this time, advancements in technology had made them more affordable, and consumer demand had increased significantly. Microwave ovens became a common household appliance during this era.

In summary, while the first compact microwave ovens were indeed sold in 1960, it took some time for them to become a staple in every household. Factors such as availability, consumer awareness, and changing lifestyles contributed to their gradual adoption, which eventually became prevalent in the 1980s.