Plot the points (2,4), (-1,4) and (2,1) and connect them to form a triangle. What rule would you use to translate the triangle 5 units to the right? Write your rule in the form H(x,y) = (?,?). Draw the translated figure and label its coordinates

H(x,y) -> (x+5,y)

To plot the points (2,4), (-1,4), and (2,1) and connect them to form a triangle, you can use a coordinate plane.

First, draw a coordinate plane with x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical) intersecting at (0,0). Then plot the given points:

(2, 4): Go 2 units to the right on the x-axis and 4 units up on the y-axis.
(-1, 4): Go 1 unit to the left on the x-axis and 4 units up on the y-axis.
(2, 1): Go 2 units to the right on the x-axis and 1 unit down on the y-axis.

Now, connect these points to form a triangle.

To translate the triangle 5 units to the right, you will add 5 to the x-coordinate of each point. The rule to translate is H(x,y) = (x + 5, y).

Applying this rule to each of the original points, we get the translated points:

(2 + 5, 4) → (7, 4)
(-1 + 5, 4) → (4, 4)
(2 + 5, 1) → (7, 1)

Thus, the translated figure has the following coordinates:
(7, 4), (4, 4), and (7, 1).

On the coordinate plane, plot these translated points and connect them to form a new triangle.