why are more and more advertising commercials animated??

ny answer: To catch the viewers attention. They are funny and colorful because the average person would probably not pay attention to a bland black and white commercial with no theme song or color.

Is that a good answer?? Is it the correct answer???

please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree.

However, animated cartoons can be in black and white without music. But certainly, a colorful animation draws viewers' attention.

Okay, thank yu!! :D

You're welcome.

Your answer is a good starting point in understanding why more advertising commercials are animated. Animated commercials indeed have the advantage of catching viewers' attention due to their vibrant colors and often humorous content. However, there can be multiple reasons for the rise in animated commercials, and it's important to consider other factors as well.

To further explore this topic, you can consider the following points:

1. Appeal to a broader audience: Animated commercials have the potential to resonate with a wider range of audiences, as they can transcend language barriers and cultural differences. They can convey concepts and emotions that are universally understood.

2. Flexibility and creativity: Animation offers limitless possibilities for creative storytelling. It allows advertisers to depict scenarios and characters that may not be possible or practical with live-action filming. Advertisers can use animation to create captivating narratives that engage viewers and leave a lasting impression.

3. Memorable and distinctive visuals: Animation allows advertisers to create unique and memorable visual styles that can differentiate their brands from competitors. This visual distinctiveness can help leave a strong impression on viewers and increase brand recall.

4. Cost-effectiveness: While animation can require significant upfront investment, it can often be more cost-effective in the long run. Once the initial production is complete, animated commercials can be easily modified or reused for different purposes, reducing the need for frequent and costly reshoots.

5. Evolving technology: Advancements in animation technology, including computer-generated imagery (CGI) and motion graphics, have made it more accessible and affordable for advertisers. With the availability of animation software and skilled animators, it has become easier to create high-quality animated commercials.

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and the reasons for the rise in animated commercials may vary depending on the specific context and industry. By considering these factors and doing further research, you can gain a better understanding of why advertising commercials increasingly utilize animation.