please I need help.atleast give me few adjectives,verbs,nouns so that I can use in this given topic ie. what must we as a individual do to keep our enviornment clean

Adjectives: clean, unspoiled, green, pure

Verbs: recycle, litter, protect, save, reuse, mulch, plant,

Nouns: water, trash, air, environment, forest, streams, oil, fertilizer,

thanks a lot for your help,but I need 2 more adjectives for the project.

Adjectives: conscientious, pristine, future, global

Certainly! Here are a few adjectives, verbs, and nouns that you can use to describe or discuss the topic of keeping the environment clean:

1. Clean
2. Sustainable
3. Green
4. Fresh
5. Pristine
6. Pollution-free
7. Renewable
8. Healthy
9. Eco-friendly
10. Litter-free

1. Reduce
2. Reuse
3. Recycle
4. Conserve
5. Minimize
6. Protect
7. Preserve
8. Educate
9. Promote
10. Volunteer

1. Environment
2. Waste
3. Nature
4. Resources
5. Ecosystem
6. Recycling
7. Air quality
8. Water conservation
9. Sustainable practices
10. Renewable energy

Feel free to use these words to express your ideas on what individuals can do to keep the environment clean! Remember to explain the importance of each action and provide examples of how they can be implemented in everyday life.