In a trapezoid EFGH, side EF is parallel to side HG. The measure of �ÚE is 90o and the measure of �ÚF is 85o.

What is the measure of �ÚG?

Since EF is perpendicular to EG and parallel to GH, angle G is also 90 deg.

Sum of all angles is 360, so the remaining angle is 95 deg.

To find the measure of angle �ÚG, we can use the fact that the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

Since we know that �ÚE is 90 degrees and �ÚF is 85 degrees, we can find the measure of angle �ÚH by subtracting these angles from 180 degrees:

�ÚH = 180° - �ÚE - �ÚF

�ÚH = 180° - 90° - 85°

�ÚH = 180° - 175°

�ÚH = 5°

Since we are given that side EF is parallel to side HG, we can conclude that angle �ÚG and angle �ÚH are alternate interior angles, and therefore they are equal in measure.

Therefore, the measure of angle �ÚG is also 5 degrees.