Which of the following statements about the image show below is not an observation? (The object is a the bug) a. The insect has 3 legs on the left side. B. The insect has a pattern on its back. C. Then insects pattern shows that it is poisonous. D. The insect is green, white, and black. (Is it. C)

Yes, C is correct. The others are traits you can SEE (observe).

Yes, statement C is not an observation.

To identify which statement is not an observation, let's first understand what an observation is. An observation is a factual statement based on what you can directly perceive or measure using your senses. It does not involve any interpretation or speculation.

Now let's analyze each statement:

a. "The insect has 3 legs on the left side." - This statement describes a factual observation that can be directly counted and verified.

b. "The insect has a pattern on its back." - This statement also describes a factual observation that can be directly seen.

c. "The insect's pattern shows that it is poisonous." - This statement involves an interpretation or inference rather than a direct observation. It goes beyond what can be directly perceived and assumes a correlation between the pattern and the insect's toxicity.

d. "The insect is green, white, and black." - This statement describes the colors of the insect, which can be directly seen and verified.

Based on the above analysis, statement c. "The insect's pattern shows that it is poisonous" is not an observation because it involves interpreting the pattern as an indicator of toxicity. Therefore, your answer is correct.

Remember, when identifying observations, focus on factual statements that can be directly perceived or measured without involving interpretation or assumptions.