Perform the following calculations to the correct number of significant figures.


And you think what?

To perform calculations with the correct number of significant figures, we need to consider the significant figures in each of the numbers involved.

1. Start by subtracting 23.981 from 89.6:

89.6 - 23.981 = 65.619

Since 89.6 has four significant figures and 23.981 has five significant figures, we need to limit the result to the least number of significant figures, which is four.

Therefore, 65.62 is the result of the subtraction, rounded to four significant figures.

2. Now, divide the result by 0.0047:

65.62 / 0.0047 = 13,948.936

Here, the value 0.0047 has two significant figures, and the result from the previous step has five significant figures. We should round the final answer to two significant figures, which means we keep the 13 and round the 948.936.

Therefore, 13,948.936 rounded to two significant figures is 14,000.

So, (89.6 - 23.981) / 0.0047 rounded to the correct number of significant figures is 14,000.