can anyone please help me? I am having to write an essay on Protecting Freedom of Expression by Derek Bok ,I have come up with a thesis but my teacher says no can some one help me with a arguemental thesis.

What thesis did you come up with? We won't know if we can help until you are more specific.

Thesis: Expressing freedom of speech by using a Confederate Flag can lead to controversies of different opinions and debates among students and the communities.

teachers comments:Your thesis still does not meet the requirements of the assignment. Focus on argument strategies, not the details of the Bok essay. You do mention “persuasion and reasoning” in the paragraph; reason is one possible strategy that you could discuss. Try to make your writing clearer by focusing on one idea at a time.

This is not yet a thesis statement because it's just factual. Who would disagree with that statement?

What is your opinion about this topic?

yes what about this one: Thesis:Legal or not legal using certain symbols to protect the freedom of expression should not be allowed because of the controvesry that it causes among student.

Your thesis statement must include factual information (which you already have) plus your position/opinion/stance. Without your position on the topic, it isn't a true thesis statement. So think of this sentence as the angle you want to take on the topic and what you intend to prove by the end of your paper. (If your statement is simply factual, then there's nothing to prove!)
Read carefully and follow ALL directions.
This is one of the very best places I've seen online to help students write good thesis statements. It shows you sentences that aren't thesis statements and how to turn each one into real thesis statements.

Using unwise methods to express ones' right to speech cause controversy among students and communites can this work as a thesis for the essay expressing freedom of speech on campus by derek bok

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with an argumentative thesis for your essay on Protecting Freedom of Expression by Derek Bok. However, it's important to note that the specific argumentative thesis you choose will depend on your own analysis and interpretation of Bok's work. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you develop an argumentative thesis:

1. Understand the key points: Start by thoroughly reading and understanding Bok's essay on Protecting Freedom of Expression. Take note of the main arguments, evidence, and claims he presents.

2. Identify your position: Reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about the topic of protecting freedom of expression. Consider whether you agree or disagree with Bok's arguments, or if you have a different viewpoint altogether.

3. Analyze opposing viewpoints: To form an argumentative thesis, it's important to consider differing perspectives on the topic. Evaluate counterarguments to Bok's claims and identify any weaknesses or potential areas of disagreement.

4. Develop a thesis statement: Based on your analysis and personal standpoint, craft a clear and concise thesis statement that presents your argument. Your thesis should express a debatable claim that can be supported by evidence and reasoning. Remember to focus on a specific aspect of Bok's essay.

For example, if you agree with Bok's views, your thesis could be:

"By advocating for limited restrictions on freedom of expression, as argued by Derek Bok in his work, Protecting Freedom of Expression, we can maintain a vibrant democratic society while still mitigating the potential harm caused by harmful speech."

If, on the other hand, you disagree with Bok's arguments, your thesis could be:

"While Derek Bok emphasizes the importance of protecting freedom of expression in his essay, Protecting Freedom of Expression, a more nuanced approach is needed, one that acknowledges the potential dangers of unlimited speech and considers reasonable regulations to safeguard marginalized groups from harm."

Remember, these are just examples, and your thesis should be tailored to your own analysis and interpretation of Bok's work. Good luck with your essay!