Which of the following is a situation where an object’s potential energy varies as a result of changes due to its chemical composition?

The melting of ice.

The burning of wood.

A ball rolling down a hill.

A parachute slowing a skydiver's fall.

the only chemical change there is the burning of wood.

The situation where an object's potential energy varies as a result of changes due to its chemical composition is the burning of wood.

The situation where an object's potential energy varies as a result of changes due to its chemical composition is the burning of wood.

To understand why burning wood involves potential energy changes related to chemical composition, we need to examine the process of combustion. Combustion is a chemical reaction between a fuel (such as wood) and an oxidizer (typically oxygen) that produces heat, light, and various byproducts.

Wood consists primarily of carbon compounds, such as cellulose, which contain potential energy stored within their chemical bonds. When wood burns, these carbon compounds combine with oxygen from the air, producing carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) as byproducts.

During combustion, the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of the wood is released as heat and light. This release of energy is what makes the burning of wood a situation where an object's potential energy varies due to changes in its chemical composition.

Therefore, out of the given options, the burning of wood is the situation where an object's potential energy varies as a result of changes due to its chemical composition.