can you show work

y +4}+ {y-3x 6} =92

why do you have a closing bracket around

y+4} ?
is that supposed to be 3x^6 ??
please re-post with an equation that makes sense.

Sure! To solve the equation y + 4} + {y - 3x + 6} = 92, we need to simplify and combine the like terms on both sides of the equation.

First, let's distribute the curly brackets to simplify the equation:

y + 4 + y - 3x + 6 = 92

Next, combine the like terms:

2y - 3x + 10 = 92

Now, let's isolate the variable terms (2y and -3x) on one side of the equation by moving the constant term (10) to the other side. We can do this by subtracting 10 from both sides:

2y - 3x + 10 - 10 = 92 - 10

This simplifies to:

2y - 3x = 82

Now the equation is in a simpler form. If you need to solve for a specific variable, you can further manipulate the equation. However, if you just needed to simplify the original equation, this is the final form: 2y - 3x = 82.