One seventh of a string was used to support a pole and 3/5 of the remainder was used to tie up a parcel.what fraction of the rope ramained?


To find the fraction of the rope that remained, we need to subtract the lengths of the rope used from the original length of the rope.

Let's denote the original length of the rope as 'x'.

One-seventh of the rope was used to support the pole, which means (1/7) * x.

After using one-seventh of the rope, the remaining length of the rope is (x - (1/7) * x).

Now, 3/5 of the remainder was used to tie up a parcel, which means (3/5) * (x - (1/7) * x).

To find out what fraction of the rope remained, we need to subtract this length from the original length 'x'.

Fraction of the rope that remained = x - (1/7) * x - (3/5) * (x - (1/7) * x).

Let's simplify it step by step:

= x - (1/7) * x - (3/5) * (x - (1/7) * x)
= x - (1/7) * x - (3/5) * (x - (1/7) * x)
= x - (1/7) * x - (3/5) * (7/7) * (x - (1/7) * x)
= x - (1/7) * x - (3/5) * (7/7) * (x - (1/7) * x)
= x - (1/7) * x - (3/5) * (7/7) * (7/7) * x + (3/5) * (7/7) * (1/7) * x
= x - (1/7) * x - (3/5) * (49/49) * x + (3/5) * (7/49) * x
= x - (1/7) * x - (147/245) * x + (21/245) * x

Now, we can combine the terms with the same variable:

= (245x - (35/245)x - (147/245)x + (21/245)x) / 245
= (245x - 182x + 21x) / 245
= 84x / 245

Therefore, the fraction of the rope that remained is 84x / 245.

A rope

Is this a rope or a string?

Assuming they're the same >>

1/7 + 3/5 = 5/35 + 21/35 = 26/35

35/35 - 26/35 = 9/35