if we were teenagers at the time these licences signified our passage a to adulthood. which of the following is the best way to write the underlined portion of this senence? choose option 10 time these licences . 2)time.These licences .3) time; these licences.4) time,these licences. 5)time, because these licences

Please revise this with correct capitalization, spacing, etc. I have no idea what this is about.

time, because these license

To determine the best way to write the underlined portion of the sentence, let's break down the options:

1) "10 time these licences" - This option is incorrect as "10" does not make sense in this context. It seems to be a typographical error.

2) "time.These licences" - This option is also incorrect as there should be a space after "time" and before "These licences". Additionally, "Th" should be capitalized as it is the beginning of a new sentence.

3) "time; these licences" - This option is grammatically correct as it uses a semicolon to separate the two clauses. However, a semicolon is not the most appropriate punctuation to use here since the two clauses are not closely related. It would be better to use a comma or a conjunction such as "and" or "as".

4) "time, these licences" - This option is the correct form, as it uses a comma to separate the two clauses. This choice effectively connects the idea of the licenses signifying the passage to adulthood with the previous statement.

5) "time, because these licences" - This option is incorrect because it introduces the word "because" without providing a sufficient explanation or justification for the preceding statement.

Therefore, the best way to write the underlined portion of the sentence is option 4) "time, these licences".