Suppose you live in a new suburban community. It offers all the amenities and benefits of a tight-knit small community, with the benefits of living close to the big city. Some years pass, and several children and adults in the community start developing extensive and similar illnesses. You think this is clearly not a case of genetics, and become suspicious that something must have gone wrong in the development planning and execution of your community. You start researching and investigating possible causes for the illnesses plaguing the community and, upon digging further, find out that the gas company’s practices may be to blame for the calamity. You decide, at that point, to spread the word around your community about your findings so that everyone can unite in a fight for justice.

· Write a letter of approximately 500 words in length that you intend to have published by your local newspaper addressing your concerns with the public health of the community.

· Explain what strategies you applied when investigating the problem that helped foster critical thinking and lead you to the root cause of the inexplicable illnesses.

· Identify approaches the community could take together to arrive at possible solutions for the problem and settle the matter with the gas company.

"...may be to blame..." -- wouldn't you think it'd be a better idea to be more sure than just "may be..."?

If all you do is post your entire assignment, with no evidence of thinking on your part, nothing will happen since no one here will do your work for you.

But if you are specific about what you don't understand about the assignment or exactly what help you need, someone might be able to assist you. Ask specific questions!

[Your Name]

[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Editor's Name]
[Local Newspaper]
[Newspaper Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Urgent Matter Concerning Public Health in our Community

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you today to raise a matter of utmost concern regarding the public health of our community. Over the past few years, a significant number of children and adults have fallen prey to extensive and similar illnesses. As a member of this community, I have conducted thorough research and investigation, leading me to believe that something has gone critically wrong during the development planning and execution of our suburban community.

Upon examining and ruling out genetic factors, it became evident that external factors could be responsible for the widespread illnesses. Through rigorous investigation, I discovered that the practices of the local gas company may be contributing to our community's health crisis. These discoveries serve as a wake-up call, and it is our collective responsibility to unite in demanding justice for our community.

Critical thinking played a significant role in my investigation. Firstly, I approached the issue with an open mind, setting aside any preconceived notions or biases. I gathered as much information as possible from affected individuals, medical professionals, and environmental experts. I analyzed patterns, such as correlations between the illnesses and proximity to gas pipelines or facilities.

Additionally, I employed a methodical approach, gathering data systematically and documenting all my findings. By cross-referencing information, conducting interviews, and studying environmental reports, I pieced together a clear picture of the situation. This holistic approach enabled me to narrow down the possible source of the illnesses and provided a foundation for action.

Now that we have identified the gas company's practices as a probable cause, it is crucial for our community to unite and pursue a resolution. I propose several approaches to address this pressing issue:

1. Community Awareness and Education: Launch a comprehensive campaign to inform all residents about the potential health risks and the company's practices. Educating our community members can empower them to make informed decisions and seek appropriate medical attention.

2. Collaboration with Experts: Engage health experts, environmental scientists, and legal professionals to further investigate the issue. Their professional expertise will help us gather concrete evidence, establish causation, and build a strong case against the gas company.

3. Advocacy and Public Pressure: Mobilize community members, form support groups, and initiate a grassroots movement demanding accountability from the gas company. By raising awareness through rallies, public meetings, and social media campaigns, we can increase public pressure to rectify the situation.

4. Legal Action: Encourage affected individuals and their families to consult with lawyers who specialize in environmental and public health cases. Filing legal complaints and seeking compensation for damages can both hold the gas company accountable and provide individuals with the resources needed for treatment and recovery.

5. Government Intervention: Lobby local government officials, health departments, and environmental regulatory agencies to conduct independent investigations and enforce stricter regulations on the gas company. This can ensure that similar incidents are prevented in the future.

By successfully implementing these approaches, we can pursue justice, bring attention to the issue, and work towards a fair resolution with the gas company. Our united efforts will not only ensure the well-being of our community today but also safeguard the health of future generations.

I implore you, as the local newspaper, to give voice to our concerns and publish this letter. By doing so, you can contribute significantly to raising awareness about this critical issue and inspiring community action.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that, together, we can make a difference and restore the health and well-being of our beloved community.


[Your Name]