which statement presents a negative element in a positive way? the part cant be replaced at no charge only if your unit is less two years old. if your unit is too old,you will have to pay 49$ for a replacement part. we cannot replace the part for free on those older units. You won't receive a replacement part until you send us 49$.

Your post is difficult to read without appropriate spacing and capitalization.

I see only one statement that does not contain a negative word. Frankly, I don't like any of your choices.

Which do you think is the right answer?

The statement that presents a negative element in a positive way is: "The part can't be replaced at no charge only if your unit is less than two years old."

Explanation: This statement frames the situation in a more positive light by emphasizing that the replacement part can still be obtained for free if the unit is less than two years old. While it mentions the limitation of not being able to get the part for free if the unit is older, it starts with the positive aspect of the offer. By focusing on the age requirement, it presents a more positive perspective compared to explicitly stating that you have to pay for the replacement part.